Friday, January 27, 2012

Pet peeve....literally.

So, yesterday I was on the phone and the question was asked "would you take your dog to church with you?"  Now, this wasn't a request it was a serious question.  My response...was "good grief no!"  First of all taking a dog to church tells me a great deal about the owner.  They've taken God's name in vain.  What?  You read it right...they've taken God's name in vain.  No they didn't curse- they took a dog to church.  What was the purpose?  What do I mean by taking God's name in vain?  Why is this a big deal?  Well, first of all say God d*** it is only one way we take His name in vain.  To say you're a christian and go to church for any reason besides worship, getting saved, and /or prayer (such as to be noticed with a new outfit, for political connections, for socializing and not really giving a shit about being there to praise God, or to get all the attention on you and your cute little puppy-distracting the service from the message) is taking God's name in vain. selfish, egotistical.  To be vain is to be all about you.  To be in service under Christ is to be all about others and serving.  It is about praising Him for his Grace and sacrifice.  Now, I'm not talking about your average "having a bad day...need someone to talk to..." kind of moment.  We are to lift one another up and have fellowship.  If you want to show off your dog, you invite people over for Sunday dinner and make over the little fella there.  If you feel the need to take a dog to need to ask yourself why.  You need to examine why you are going and what consequences it could have.  The dog isn't going to be comfortable...and someone might be allergic.  At the very least...they're going to be distracted.  Why don't I just take a parrot and teach it a few gospel songs while I'm at it?  It doesn't glorify God. It keeps people from focusing on the message that, believe it or  not, might be exactly what they need to hear.  What if someone comes in who has been out of church for a while because of the foolishness that goes on in church?  Do you think they'd take this place seriously and really want to turn their life back to God?  I think not.  For everyone's sake, including your pets...leave them at home.  Oh...let's say there are children you really think it would be easy to keep them quiet and non-disruptive with a dog in the building?  No...not a chance.  And what if your precious puppy bit someone? 
Yes, I know there are churches that handle snakes- that's a whole other topic and they aren't pets.  So basically....if you're going to church, go for the right reason, leave your pets at home and don't make it about you.  Don't criticize people who have a 5 suit /dress wardrobe either.  They are there for the right reason most likely.  Get on board or go back to bed. Don't be a hindrance to will bite you in the arse eventually. 

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