Friday, November 12, 2010

The autumnal season toys with me.  I wake up to freezing temperatures and crank up the noon we need the air conditioner.  Winter is whispering in my ear...I don't like her cold breath touching me.  She is as death.  My bones ache, my body creaks as a rusty hinge....

1 comment:

  1. takin' a walk down memory lane..dancing, drinking and coughing up a lung. Damn..the good ole days of killin' yourself with crazy shit...only to get to middle age and fight like hell to not die.
    " I wanna light 'em up and drink 'em...I want to love 'em and leave 'em...." (clay walker)..."sometimes I wanna be Jesse James"
    Hell Yeah...
    Nigh Y'all....
