Sunday, January 29, 2012

No big deal

So, my blood pressure has been up a little lately.  Normal is considered 120/75 or so I guess.  Mine runs anywhere from 140/90 to 220/120.  It's also been known to hit 120/115 or 110/100 which is supposed to be bad I guess.  So yesterday I experienced a weird "chest pain" which kind of freaked me out.  Now, I have some arthritis and fibromyalgia so pain and I know each other very well.  I also have Raynauds which causes contriction of blood vessels all throughout the body.  This can be bad.  Anyway...I walked into my kitchen (and no I don't have panic attacks, etc) and started to speak to my daughter when I had a sudden "attack" that felt like a million needles pricking my heart and shooting down my left arm.  It took my breath away...seriously.  It didn't last long but after it stopped my BP was 170/105, which for me isn't outrageous but medically speaking it can say "heart attack." 
Well, I didn't go to the hospital or see a doctor.  I requested prayer and called a couple of nurse friends.  Both said the same thing.  If it's not happening at the time the doctor sees you....they won't believe it unless you actually suffer a heart attack great enough to cause some damage.  In short, it's a waste of time and money.  Rest, keep an eye on things etc.  But neither of them had heard of the sensation I felt either. 
Maybe a better way to describe it is like when you sit down in a chair and tuck your foot up underneath you..and stay in that position just a little too long so that when you try to stand up you get that incredibly irritating sensation of pins and needles as the blood rushes back into the area.  that's exactly what it felt like.  Freaky....and damn was it ever irritating.  So, I'm obviously still alive.  And if I'm still here tomorrow, I'll post something else.  Maybe. 

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